Home » Oil Paintings, Royalty » Queen Elizabeth II, 1953 Royal Coronation, Oil Painting, Oliver G. Brabbins

Queen Elizabeth II, 1953 Royal Coronation, Oil Painting, Oliver G. Brabbins

31 August 2011
Oliver J. Brabbins, Royal Coronation, Oil Painting

Queen Elizabeth II Coronation, Oil Painting

Oliver Gilmore Brabbins, 1953 Royal Coronation Oil on canvas in a nice gilt frame. The painting shows lot’s of detail and some recognisable faces, with the then Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher about to place the St. Edwards Crown on the Queens head. Signed and dated in the right hand corner, size is approx. 75cm. h. x 97cm.w. This is an important moment of 20th century history caught in wonderful detail on canvas and represents a good investment at this price.                     (Click on photo for larger image)  Please see payment options.



Oil Paintings, Royalty